The Construction Excellence Awards is the premier construction awards program in Philadelphia, recognizing excellence in construction from General Building Contractors Association (GBCA) members. The Lighting Practice is delighted to announce that three of the firm’s projects took home Construction Excellence Awards this year!
Bryn Mawr Hospital Patient Pavilion Expansion: Best Healthcare Project
Bryn Mawr Hospital, part of Main Line Health, added a 256,418-SF, eight-floor patient pavilion to the campus as part of a greater modernization project. TLP teamed with CallisonRTKL and Ballinger on the new building, which includes a maternity unit, labor and delivery unit, operating rooms and critical care, has raised the bar for patient healing and well-being as well as visitor comfort. Emad Hasan, Matt Fracassini, and Johnathan Cook provided illumination for the public spaces, patient care areas, and clinical spaces. The design goal was to modernize the lighting and control systems, which improved the quality of light and ease of use. The project also sets a precedent for future projects within Main Line Health.
2400 Market Street Headquarters Relocation: Best Fit-out Project
TLP was part of the design team led by Gensler that transformed the former Hudson Motor Car Company plant, located in Philadelphia, into a new global corporate headquarters. TLP illuminated the open and private office spaces, collaboration spaces, conference rooms, and elevator lobbies. Michael Barber and Ryan Conover incorporated daylight responsive controls throughout the window-lined open office spaces. The team also designed the lighting system for the amenity floor, which features the marketplace, kitchens, flexible lounge and dining spaces, fitness center, training center spaces, and exterior terraces. Decorative fixtures throughout the project offer a sense of place and assist in wayfinding. The building’s iconic central staircase is illuminated with discretely placed fixtures.
University of the Sciences Living & Learning Commons: Best Green Space Project
The new mixed-use residence hall designed by Design Collective and The Sheward Partnership offers state-of-the-art classrooms as well as living commons and retail spaces for the university’s science and healthcare students. The goal of the lighting design for the central courtyard and plaza was to provide adequate illumination for safety and security on the urban campus while minimizing visual obstructions from the architecture. Michael Barber and David Seok mounted small aperture accent lighting at the top of the building to provide general ambient illumination in the courtyard, while pole locations were kept to a minimum at transition points and along the street front. Step lights and linear accents at select walls provide localized illumination and support wayfinding throughout the courtyard. Within the interior public spaces, Mike and David chose lighting that supports the interior design features and finishes. Lighting for the dormitories is functional, vandal-resistant, and cost-effective.
The GCBA is the Philadelphia chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America. Established in 1891, the association advances commercial construction in the Philadelphia region by serving as a resource, a powerful voice, and an industry watchdog.
Congratulations to all the winners of the 2019 Construction Excellence Awards! We are honored to be named among these outstanding design firms. Click to view the full project team and other 2019 GBCA Construction Excellence Awards winners.