TLP is proud to have the opportunity to encourage and challenge future generations of lighting designers. Emad Hasan and Kimberly King worked with the Philadelphia Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) spearheading the DESIGN with LIGHT Student Competition as Co-Chairs. The competition was sponsored by the Philadelphia Section of the IES, Lumenpulse, IALD, LIGHTFAIR International, Terrain, and The Lighting Practice. Please support these students by joining us at the DESIGN with LIGHT Award’s Ceremony & Winner’s Presentations! Information about the event is below.
Lumenpulse to participate in Design with Light awards ceremony at Lightfair
LEDs Magazine
Date Announced: 18 Apr 2013
Lumenpulse, a leading innovator and manufacturer of high-performance, architectural LED-based lighting solutions for commercial, institutional, and urban environments, has sponsored “Design with Light,” a national student lighting design competition organized by the Philadelphia Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). Other sponsors are the International Association of Lighting Designers and Lightfair.
“Students were tasked with developing an original architectural lighting design,” says Emad Hasan, Project Manager at The Lighting Practice and competition Co-Chair along with Kimberly King. “This year’s competition focused on a store called Terrain, a home and garden retail space located in Westport, CT, and owned by Urban Outfitters.”
The winner will be officially announced at Lightfair during an awards ceremony on Wednesday, April 24, at 12 pm, at the Spotlight Lounge in Hall F of the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, where they will also receive a $1500 cash prize. The second-place winner will receive $700 and $350 will go to the third-place winner.
Full Article: Lumenpulse to participate in Design with Light awards ceremony at Lightfair
Come out and support our Student Lighting Designers!
IESNA Philadelphia Section Event at LFI 2013
Date: Wednesday April 24th
Time: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Spotlight Lounge, Hall F
Cost: Free to anyone registered at Lightfair
The IESNA Philadelphia Section would like to invite all local members to attend the 2013 Design with Light Award’s Ceremony and Winner’s Presentation. If you’re not familiar, Design with Light is a national student lighting design competition organized by the IESNA Philadelphia Section meant to raise awareness and understanding of the lighting design profession within the student community. This year’s 1st place winners will be awarded an all expenses paid trip to Lightfair, full conference passes, and $1,500 cash prize. After the awards ceremony, there will be a brief presentation of the First Place Winning design.