Join Matt Fracassini, Associate at The Lighting Practice, at ArchLIGHT Summit! Register to attend and stop by his presentation, “Factoring Sustainability into Your Firm’s Specification Process”, taking place on Tuesday, September 19 at 2:00pm.
Factoring Sustainability into Your Firm’s Specification Process
Lighting designers have a responsibility to implement sustainable practices into their work through not just design, but specification as well. Ratings systems, like LEED, provide material sourcing guidelines for many building materials. However, they do not typically do so for luminaires or other lighting system components. Practices such as specifying manufacturers and materials regional to the project site, choosing fixtures made of sustainable materials, and opting for manufacturers who operate using sustainable practices are the designer’s responsibility in the end. Alongside the collective efforts of the project team, participants will understand how standardizing these practices within their organization can help reduce the environmental impact of a project.
When specifying fixtures and sourcing lighting materials for a project, designers can have their carefully specified sustainable fixtures get value-engineered. From this presentation, attendees will understand how to gain buy-in from project owners, architects, and contractors, to protect the sustainably specified fixtures and design.
These practices will improve an organization’s understanding of sustainable specification, lead to a standardized approach to sustainable design within a firm, and focus designers’ careers toward a more sustainable future.