University of Pennsylvania Annenberg University of Pennsylvania Annenberg
Annenberg Public Policy Philadelphia, PA Annenberg Public Policy Philadelphia, PA
UPenn Annenberg Public Policy Center UPenn Annenberg Public Policy Center
UPenn Annenberg Public Policy Center design UPenn Annenberg Public Policy Center design

Annenberg Public Policy Center

Philadelphia, PA

The Annenberg Public Policy Center studies the nexus of media, opinion and policy. It provides transparent views through the news and noise into the truth. Sunlight – as metaphor for this process – is the motivating source for this project’s lighting design. Daylight filters through wooden screens on the perimeter glazing and faceted atrium skylight to animate the building by day while interior electric light, integrated sparingly, adds transparency and reinforces the relationship of forms in the architecture. The shape and placement of luminaires does not distract, but rather augments essential rhythms in the architecture. The sustainability of this approach echoes the fundamental necessity of APPC’s mission.


IES Illumination Awards: Award of Merit, 2010
AIA Philadelphia: Honor Award for Design Excellence, 2010


University of Pennsylvania

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