March is Women’s History Month. All month long, The Lighting Practice will be honoring the outstanding women whose hard work and talents have helped make the firm a leader in lighting design.
Women Who Inspire Us
This year’s theme is “Women Who Inspire Us.” Each female member of TLP has chosen a woman who has inspired her — whether in her career, personal life, or both. Karina Vargas-Aquino, TLP’s assistant marketing maven, will be sharing their picks each week. To see these features during Women’s History Month, be sure to follow The Lighting Practice on social media. Links to these pages are below along with the firm’s handle for each account.
Facebook: @thelightingpractice
Twitter: @TLP_Inc
LinkedIn: /the-lighting-practice
Instagram: @tlp_inc
Feel free to comment on any of these posts and share who inspires you.
A Women-Owned Business
The Lighting Practice is a “women-owned business” (WBE) which means the firm has a female majority shareholder. Helen Diemer is President of The Lighting Practice, majority shareholder, and an award-winning lighting designer. Helen is a strong supporter of giving back to our community and profession through charitable donations and education. Throughout her career, she has taken a leadership role in lighting organizations such as the Illuminating Engineer Society (IES) and the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD). Through these organizations, she was able to educate future generations and shape lighting energy code standards. Helen is also a strong supporter of mentorship in its’ many forms, whether through one-on-one sessions, internal lunch & learns led by our team, or involvement in organizations like the ACE Mentor Program of America.
“Being WBE certified has created some opportunities that we might not otherwise have found,” Helen said in an interview for International Women’s Day 2018. “It exposed us to new firms and has given us more opportunities in marketplaces like transportation, streetscape, and federally-funded projects. The greatest benefit has been with existing clients who see our WBE certification as an enhancement when they are working on projects that include public money – such as healthcare and education projects where there are mandates and/or project goals to include a certain percentage of historically disadvantaged businesses, such as MBE, WBE, and DBE.”
Stay tuned for more from The Lighting Practice during Women’s History Month.